Guest editor guideline

Guidelines for Guest Editors

The IEEE IoT-J is soliciting special issue proposals on timely and significant technical topics with broad interests.

Starting in 2023, due to the high volume of submissions to our journal, we will be significantly limiting the number of accepted special issue proposals.

Proposal Format

The IEEE IoT-J prefers that proposals are prepared in Microsoft Word format. A proposal should contain the following information:

  • Background and Motivation: the proposal should include a clear description of the background and motivation of the proposed issue.
  • Technical Scope of the Proposal: technical scope of the proposed issue should be carefully identified with emphasis on explaining why the proposed topic is timely and has broad interests.
  • Significance and Relevance to this Journal: It is important to describe why the proposed issue is relevant to and significant for the IEEE IoT-J.
  • A Plan for Attracting Quality Papers: A plan for obtaining enough quality papers should be included in the proposal (e.g. how to advertise the call for papers, a list of potential authors, etc)
  • Tentative Schedule: A tentative schedule of the proposed issue should be given.
  • Potential Overlapping with Published Issues: The discussion about potential overlapping with published issues in the IEEE IoT-J and/or other journals should be given.
  • A List of Guest Editors and Their Short Biographies: The proposal should include a list of guest editors and their short biographies. The IEEE IoT-J suggests 3-5 guest editors with good technical and geographical balance for each proposed issue. The biography for each of the guest editors should stress his/her experience in the proposed topic and relevant editorial experience.
  • One-Page Call-For-Papers: One-page CFP for the proposed issue should be included. This CFP should contain a list of technical areas for soliciting papers.
  • Authorship for the Proposed Issue: Proposers should explicitly indicate if they plan to submit papers to the proposed issue and the number of papers if any. The IEEE IoT-J suggests that most papers of an issue should be from authors who are not the guest editors. The review of submissions from guest editors should not be handled by any guest editor of the proposed issue.

Proposal Submission

A proposal should be submitted via the same IoT-J paper submission system:

But please select the “Special Issue (SI) Proposal” type for the proposal submission.  If you have any questions, please contact  the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE IoT-J. Timely review will be arranged to evaluate the submitted proposal and the proposer will be notified for the decision.

Paper Submission

Submissions to an approved special issue should follow the same format and procedures as listed under the Guidelines for Authors.